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U.S. troops disengagement from Niger ends Monday

NIAMEY, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) — U.S. troops based in Niger as part of the fight against terrorism, whose disengagement began on June 7 in Niamey, the Nigerien capital, concluded Monday in Agadez, northern Niger, according to a military source.
A ceremony marking the definitive closure of the U.S. drone base was held in the presence of Nigerien and American military officials.
On March 16, Niger’s ruling junta revoked with immediate effect a military accord that allows military personnel and civilian staff from the U.S. Department of Defense on its soil.
By mutual agreement, the two armies agreed on a withdrawal timetable on May 19. “Indeed, since the signing of the agreement on the withdrawal of American troops, more than 269 elements out of 946 and several tonnes of equipment have already left Niger,” said Mamane Sani Kiaou, chief of Staff of the Army, on June 7. ■
